03 March 2011

Boot Camp, here I come!

Two years ago I was at my thinnest and most fit stage of my life! I felt great about the way I looked and I was so proud to say I beat the odds that were put against me by some of my family. I remember growing up and being told "don't you worry; you will get big like the rest of us. Your day is coming! You're a Fraley" I was proud to show those that said those things to me that I could do it! But then....I came home from South Korea and moved to England and now two years later they were right!!! I am at my largest and most unfit stage of my life. I HATE it! I hate the way I look! I just want to wear sweat pants and sweat shirts all the time. I hate that I can't wear my cute clothes taking up the little space I have in my closet. I hate that I have to buy bigger clothes. I hate that I can't do the things I use to be able to do. I hate that I don't feel pretty EVER! Well, I have had enough of hating myself and letting the odds against me win! SO, I joined boot camp!

No, I'm not going to the Army! :) At the gym on base they have a 6 week program with two highly trained fitness trainers that is a high intensity, butt kicking boot camp! I started on Monday the 28th and will go until April 7th. Its 4 days a week for an hour.

On Monday we weighed in to track our starting weight. I weighed in at 170lbs. Tuesday we did our first 1.5 mile run. When they said we were running....outside....in the cold....on the track. I thought to myself, what the heck am I doing?!?!? I can't do that! I HATE running! BUT, I got out there, no complaining (out loud), and I ran...and ran....and ran. I ran the mile without stopping! I was so proud of myself! I have NEVER done that in my life! So I had to keep going but I got a cramp so I did stop walk for the first curve and the last curve but I finished at 16.50. Not bad for someone who has never even done a mile much less a mile and a half! I was so proud of myself! At the end of the camp we will do the run again to see what progress we have made. Yesterday we did the rest of our assessments. We did are measurements first. My neck:13 , waist:30 , hips:41 , thighs:r-23.5, l-23.5, calves:r-16.25, l-16 , and biceps:r-13.5, l-13. We did the rest in 1 minute. Jump rope: 107, ball squats:47 , push-ups:38 , and sit-ups:41 . Just from those things I feel like my body got ran over by a big truck! And they say tonight is suppose to kick our butts! : /

My plan is to keep you all updated on my progress. I'm going to lay out there all the bad things that I hate so much about myself and I need your encouragement to keep going! I want to go home in June feeling good about myself not embarrassed and ashamed and ugly! I want my wedding dress to look amazing on me and for me to walk down the aisle with my head held high! So here I go...off to boot camp!


  1. Awesome Dana! You go girl. I know you can do it. You are a very driven person. And blogging about it is great because it's accountability. Running that long without stopping your first time out is awesome too. My first time running a mile I thought I was going to die. I really believe in you and know you'll do awesome! Keep us posted!

  2. You go girl! Just stick with it and FINISH. You've got this.

  3. Thank you guys! I appreciate the support and encouragement. Tonight was killer just like I was told it would be. I wanted to stop so many times but I kept going as best I could. My legs were shaking like crazy and my arms and butt burning like a flaming fire! But I made it. I fixed my stats in my blog so check them out. I didn't remember them at work so I left them blank. :)

  4. Oh Dana! I am so proud of you!!! I just know that you are going to accomplish your goals.

    I appreciate the honesty and transparency in your blogging. It's a breathe of fresh air!

    Keep up the great work! And it's just that: WORK!!!
