Unconditional, what does that mean? The Webster definition states: Unconditional-not conditional or limited: absolute; unqualified. Some of the synonyms they give are all-out, complete, definite, flat-out, perfect, pure, simple, absolute, and utter. Those were just a few that I liked! This phrase 'Unconditional love' is one that I have strived for, for years! I love the Bible verse 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. This is one verse I have tried for so long to live by and it is so hard. I think I have failed in every area of what it says love is.
Personally I would like to say that I have a big heart! I love to love others! I want them to know they are loved! I try to show that to my family and friends in so many different ways. I've read the 5 Love Languages many times and it says that most people have one or two ways that they show love the strongest. I have a hard time picking what are my strongest! I find that I do them all! I'm not writing this to brag about myself or to say that I am the best at showing love. I know that I am not! I have just been struggling with this "topic" for a while and yesterday I had a LITTLE bit of a breakthrough and I wanted to share my thoughts. And that is all it is...my thoughts! Anyway, back to the love languages. I love to send cards, letters, and little gifts to people. I love to hang out with people, give them hugs, do things for them, etc. I admit I possible could do this a little too much but I enjoy it! I like to make people feel good and let them know I love them! BUT in the last few years it's really hit me hard how little people do it back or even just say a thank you! In my mind I don't get it! I don't understand why not! There really are few excuses not to.
Yesterday I had a bit of a break down and I called someone I thought would give me good advice and understand where I was coming from (mostly because we really are a lot alike). This person told me something that hit me. She said, "Think of it this way. Isn't what you are going through the same thing God goes through daily with all of us?" Hmm...Never thought of it that way! When I hung up I cried...some more...and prayed to God! I told him how sorry I am for ever hurting him the way I have! I never want anyone, especially HIM to hurt the way I do. She also told me that we have to get to a point where we do it simple for the enjoyment we get by doing those things for others! I would like to get to that point and fast! I hate being so disappointed and hurt and feeling like people don't love me and the only way I can do that is to love THEM unconditionally!
I love you all!!!!!!!!!